October 30, 2021 — Let's be clear — Canada should not "move past" oil and gas

October 30, 2021

Let's be clear — Canada should not "move past" oil and gas by Bill Bewick
Appeared in the National Post on October 22, 2021

Gina's Thoughts

Bill Bewick's article succinctly outlines why Canada should not move past oil and gas. Canada has the third-largest proven reserves in the world. Canada is a leader in responsible oil and gas production. Growing global demand for oil and gas should be met by Canadian companies and not "Russia, Saudi Arabia, and other unjust regimes". Canada is also a leader in environmental performance in sectors like oil and gas. And in addition to all of the above, a strong oil and gas sector in Canada is an enormous contributor of taxes and royalties to governments - monies that pay for countless public services. "Neither the productivity nor the exports will be replaced by far less profitable solar and wind power, for which Canada has no special advantages". Every leader, director, or member of University governing councils, public pension plans, or any other institution contemplating divestment - and indeed every Canadian - should read this article, commit the facts to memory, and unapologetically promote Canada's oil and gas sector.
