COPOUT 26 - Face, farce and fiction, from Greta to Trudeau to Modi by Terence Corcoran
Appeared in the Financial Post on November 3, 2021
Gina's Thoughts
Terence Corcoran successfully separates fact from fiction, debunking Justin Trudeau's green plans which will, as Corcoran says, "cap carbon emissions, cripple Canada's fossil fuel industry and continue to ratchet up carbon taxes". The PM claims that extreme heat and wildfires in BC are proof of the need for his radical plans, reinforcing his absurd arguments with the much repeated and misleading statement that "Canada is warming, on average, twice as quickly as the rest of the world." These are examples of the fevered tone behind the agenda to eliminate the fossil fuel industry in Canada. Corcoran concludes, "The facts behind the net-zero fiction is why COP26 will become COPOUT26. There is no way to remove fossil-fuel emissions from the world without causing economic chaos. India and other developing nations will not allow their economies to be crippled, nor can developed nations devastate their own economies while developing nations expand." Repeat: "There is no way to remove fossil-fuel emissions from the world without causing economic chaos."