February 26, 2022 - How Canada can keep Europe's lights on

February 26, 2022

How Canada can keep Europe's lights on by John Ivison 
Appeared in The National Post on February 23, 2022

Gina's Thoughts

"Russia supplies one third of the gas that heats homes across Europe."  "Western countries were still purchasing hundreds of millions of dollars of oil and gas from Russia."  "Helping to keep the lights on in Europe should be a foreign policy priority for Canada."  InvestNow has always asserted that if North American and global oil demand keeps going up, supply will increasingly come from countries like Russia.    Canada can and should be the global supplier of choice for oil and gas.  Canadian resource companies are leaders in efforts to improve efficiency, deliver high environmental standards, and ensure product affordability.  Competitive transparent markets are the best guarantee for good performance by resource companies and Canada has some of the world's best.  However, the regulatory environment has made it incredibly difficult for Canadian oil and gas companies to get projects off the ground, let alone completed.  The "open hostility" to the energy industry in our own country needs to stop before we can think about keeping the lights on in foreign countries.
