ESG's power grows as banker is canceled for talking sense on climate change by Rupert Darwall
Appeared in the New York Post on May 24, 2022
Gina's Thoughts
Stuart Kirk, head of Responsible Investment at HSBC made headline news for speaking out against the ESG and environmentally-charged investment movement. ESG has been and is being weaponized to drive the divestment agenda. As Rupert Darwall notes in his article, "central banks and financial regulators are using every regulatory weapon in their armories to suppress investment in fossil fuels and direct capital flows toward renewables like wind and solar." The result of the ESG driven divestment movement has not been what was hoped for. Oil and gas demand is up and emissions are up too. Over 80% of economic life is powered by oil and gas. Canadians should take a cue from Mr. Kirk and stand up for our oil and gas companies and invest in them for the betterment of the environment, Canadians and the world.