April 30, 2022 - Fossil Fuel Divestment Decisions Prove Costly, Ill-Timed
Fossil Fuel Divestment Decisions Prove Costly, Ill-Timed by Ira Stoll
Appeared in The New York Sun on April 18, 2022
Gina's Thoughts
"How's that fossil fuel divestment going?" The columnist asks this question first and foremost in the article and answers it by writing, "At the moment, having done so looks foolish, or at least ill-timed, for some of the endowments and pension funds that had announced their decisions with considerable fanfare." Fanfare to accompany the claim that divesting from fossil fuel companies will combat climate change, when in fact, divestment does nothing to reduce emissions. Yale University's endowment fund, the Ford Foundation's endowment fund and the New York state pension fund all made divestment announcements in 2021 citing that investing in oil and gas companies posed significant risk to investors. All of the oil sands companies that the New York state pension fund divested of have had triple digit returns since the divestment announcement was made. I guess the risk of not being able to fund the pensions of New York state and municipal workers is not as great a risk as climate change?
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