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Our Resolution


Canadian resource sectors are subject to some of the highest standards for environmental performance, fiscal prudence and good governance in the world,

Canadian companies in the resource sectors pride themselves on being world class in their environmental, economic and governance performance,

Canadian companies in the resource sectors continue to invest in ways that continue to improve their performance,

Canadian resource development has always been and remains essential to our well-being, delivering enormous economic dividends to all Canadians,

Canadian resources offer enormous opportunity for contributions to the well-being of humankind the world over, and

The global demand for resources is rising and Canadian resources are ideally positioned to deliver,

Therefore, be it resolved:

We consider divestment movements pushing for the divesting of Canadian resource company assets to be irresponsible and against the interests of shareholders, and Canadians at large.

We believe divestment movements should be actively opposed and we are committed to speaking out against them.

We hereby encourage others in the resource sectors and the broader investment community in Canada to do the same.

We hereby indicate our commitment to and support for the resource sectors in Canada. Canada and the world need Canadian resources. It is time to InvestNow.


Canadian resource sectors are subject to some of the highest standards for environmental performance, fiscal prudence and good governance in the world,

Canadian companies in the resource sectors pride themselves on being world class in their environmental, economic and governance performance,

Canadian companies in the resource sectors continue to invest in ways that continue to improve their performance,

Canadian resource development has always been and remains essential to our well-being, delivering enormous economic dividends to all Canadians,

Canadian resources offer enormous opportunity for contributions to the well-being of humankind the world over, and

The global demand for resources is rising and Canadian resources are ideally positioned to deliver,

Therefore, be it resolved:

We consider divestment movements pushing for the divesting of Canadian resource company assets to be irresponsible and against the interests of shareholders, and Canadians at large.

We believe divestment movements should be actively opposed and we are committed to speaking out against them.

We hereby encourage others in the resource sectors and the broader investment community in Canada to do the same.

We hereby indicate our commitment to and support for the resource sectors in Canada. Canada and the world need Canadian resources. It is time to InvestNow.
