Cenovus CEO takes aim at oil and gas critics; says sector pays billions in taxes by Amanda Stephenson
Appeared in The Canadian Press on November 2, 2022
Gina's Thoughts
This week's article features another CEO standing up for the energy industry. A couple of weeks ago our Story of the Week featured an article about Chevron's CEO and his unapologetic promotion of oil and gas. This week, a Canadian CEO is standing up for the sector. Alex Pourbaix, CEO of Cenovus Energy "cited a recent analysis by investment firm Peters & Co. that predicts the oil and gas sector will return approximately $50 billion in the form of royalties and taxes to Canadian federal and provincial governments this year. "That's money that pays for health care, education, arts and culture and much more across this country," Pourbaix said." A thriving oil and gas sector is good for Canada and Canadians.