November 12, 2022 - Opinion: The energy transition is transitioning -- to energy security

November 12, 2022

Opinion: The energy transition is transitioning -- to energy security by Henry Geraedts
Appeared in The Financial Post on November 10, 2022

Gina's Thoughts

This week's author writes that "the current supply crisis has revealed surprising global demand for hydrocarbons." This should not come as a surprise to anyone. Oil and Gas still makes up 80% of the global energy mix and will continue to do so for the next 25 years. "The International Energy Agency projects a 50 per cent increase in global energy demand by 2050, while OPEC recently increased its global oil forecast for 2030 from 100 to 108 million barrels a day, with its market share expanding because of politically constrained Canadian and U.S. production." The author outlines all the reasons why hydrocarbons are front and centre on the world stage right now. Unless things change on the political and energy policy front, Canada and Canadians will lose out on the oil and gas global resurgence.
